Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Some creepy animals

There are millions of animals in the world........
Some are cute
Some are ugly
some are pretty
some are mysterious
some are loyal
some are friendly
some are fierce
some are poisonous
some are creepy!

Here are some animals which  I never knew of. And they're really CREEPY

1. Purple frog
This frog was only discovered a decade ago.Creeeeepppyyy !
Purple frog

2. Blobfish
 This looks like a funny lump.Its cute in some angle and creepy too

3. Almiqui
This Is a rare and endangered animal and its saliva is toxic :O
   4. Aye aye
They look a little like monsters but they are actually gentle and harmless

That's all for now :)

sources and reference :Google images ,, 

Monday, June 24, 2013


A quokka 
Name: Quokka

Size: 40-90 cm with a 25-30 cm tail

WICI: Happy giant rat

Rating: *****

More information:

    The quokka can be found in some islands in Western Australia . It is a marsupial like the kangaroos and wallabies. The quokka is a herbivore and is under Vulnerable in the ICUN conservation chart.They are mainly nocturnal animals and can climb small trees and shrubs. It looks very happy to me! 
a quokka family 
                                                         Here is a video I found on You Tube .

Sources and references: You Tube, Wikipedia, Google images 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Some Mammals Found in Singapore

Singapore is a tropical country . Some mammals which lives there are...


1. Long-tail Macaque 
 These monkeys are playful and lives in forest.Most of the times, they sneak into my house for food.
Long-tail Macaque

2.Plantain Squirrel 
These squirrels are very cute and they seem to be so happy and free when I see them:)

3.Lesser Mouse Deer 
I have seen 2 of these creatures before but they were so speedy I didn't have time to take a picture.

4. Wild boars
They live in forests and dig the ground for food. Their pretty common to me.Some people are culling them but actually, I've seen them many times and they don't really affect me.

5. Fruit bats
There are many types of bats in Singapore.Sometimes, they fly into my house and my sister and mother would scream .I think i like them even though they poop on my floor, because I read that without bats, there would be no durians. Plus they can eat lots of insects and creepy crawlies.


1. Pangolins
I've never seen one before. They are endangered already. My mother once saw a dead pangolin on the pavement near the forest. So sad.

2.Samba deer
I guess this should be uncommon. My father once saw a real wild one in the forest. He said it was big and tall. I would love to see it! 

3. Colugo
This is a nocturnal creature that is rarely seen. They can glide in the air .When I saw pictures of them, I found them very pretty.My friend says she saw it once . cool.
Malayan Colugo 

4.Salt water crocodile
(Okay... this isn't a mammal I know). This crocodile is critically endangered in Singapore. I think they sometimes swim from Malaysia to Singapore. Sights of these crocodile has been seen in Sungei Buloh . Pretty scary and cool at the same time.
Salt water crocodile

5.Palm Civet
This animal is a native wild animal of Singapore.

  That's all for now :)


Saturday, June 22, 2013

S.E.A. Aquarium Singapore

I visited this aquarium 2 months ago but I still want to record down what I did and how I felt it was like.

The world's largest aquarium was jam-packed on April 20th, my birthday.I was together with my cousin mei , my two friends ( nat and andrea) plus my parents.When you first step into the aquarium, there is a big boat with a lion's head .There is smoke coming out of the lion's head and it has red eyes. It was quite creepy but we sat down on the seats to watch a show about a traveller in china called Zheng He. There is a show every few minutes.One is in Chinese with English subtitles while the other is in English with Chinese subtitles. The show is only 5 minutes . Those who are interested in Chinese history would enjoy it.

Next, we entered the aquarium.We passed the ticketing booth and saw some exhibitions about different cultures in Asia. It is quite a bore if you are not interested. We glanced through it then when down the escalator to the aquarium.

Yes, there are things to see before entering the main attraction:)

In the aquarium, there were many people squishing about because it was so crowded. There would be many people squeezing to look at the fish tanks. Even though it was crowded , we managed to see some fishes. We had to look out for each other in case we got lost. Whenever we got to one tank, we would look at the creatures and go "Ooooh" "Wahhh!!" "Look at this!" The creatures are very interesting. If I remember correctly, there was needle nose fishes, sea horses, eels , etc.
The touch pool 

Then, we went to the touch pool. over there, we touched a sea star! It was strange and bumpety so I wiped my hands after that . Beside the touch pool there was a super cool cylinder shaped tank and thousands of pretty fish were swimming around the coral reefs! We even saw two fishes playing 'catch'.

Because this aquarium is so big , I would list the highlights. 
The dolphins were so pretty! Everyone crowded around it so you would have to tippy toe to catch a glance of the dolphins. I feel that they should make the glass bigger so more people can see them.

There was also the gigantic fish tank, and there were humongous sting rays swimming. We sat there for about 15 minutes just staring in awe at the fishes. 
The gigantic tank 

The fish tunnel was cool  too and we saw some sharks!

When we finished seeing the  fishes, we went for this Typhoon thing. Before we entered the theater, this man would ask you to look in this tiny hut, and then suddenly, abuptly, a cobra would pop out and make a hissing sound. It's quite scary but it's funny to see other people's reaction.

In all, I feel that the SEA aquarium was enjoyable and educational.I would rate it 3  and a half stars.

Sources for pictures: Google images

Thursday, June 20, 2013

some animal facts

Did you know...

1. Porcupines can FLOAT ?

2.Hippo's sweat are RED 

Female ants doing all the work
3.The only bird that can fly backwards is the hummingbird.

4.a goldfish has a memory span of 3 seconds

5.Lobster's blood is blue, spiders blood is whitish

6. Snails can sleep for 3 years

7. Female canaries cannot sing

8.Female ants do all the work

9.Honeybees kill more people that venomous snake does.

10.A beaver can hold their breath under water for up to 45 mins.

Reference:my Giant Book Of Cool Stuff

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Haze In Singapore.

This is my perspective:
Do you think the haze affects animals? My dog seemed lethargic and even spat out her favourite treat! 
The recent haze in Singapore is so scary. Somehow, it feels like we're in a movie! While i'm typing this , the PSI has reached 371, Singapore's worst ever.I hope it does not increase!I know this post has got nothing to do with animal information but I'm sure animals would be affected too. Especially the animals in Indonesia. By using burning and slashing methods to clear land, i think animals in the forest would be killed! Not only does this haze affect people,animals and living things, it would also affect our environment! lets hope the haze decreases ! Wear masks, stay indoors and drink water! 

The barely visible Singapore Flyer :(

Friday, June 14, 2013

the Gerenuk

Name: Gerenuk

WICI: standing deer

Rate: ****

Size: body-head ( 140-160 cm)

More Information:


Also known as Wallers gazelle, this mammal is what I would call very strange indeed!

It is classified under nearly threatened. The gerenuk can stand on it's hind legs and eat from trees! it can be found in Africa.

Here are some facts that I only recently found out:

1. Gerenuk means ' giraffe neck' in the Somali language.

2.   the gerenuk is believed to be independent of free water .  the  gerenuk is thought to obtain all the moisture it requires through its diet.
3.males weigh from 30-50kg and females weigh from 28-45 kg.

here is a short video:)

References: ARKive and Google and Youtube