Tuesday, November 19, 2013

honey bees

Name: Honey Bee

Scientific name: Apis mellifera

More information:

The Honey bee is the stripy black and yellow bees that we see. They can be found across the world , except for the cold areas, like Antarctica, etc.

Honeybee hives has provided us with the honey we drink! Workers are the only bees that us people mostly see. These worker bees are all female.
A Honey bee

In a hive, there is only one Queen bee. When the queen bee dies, she is replaced by a worker bee who has been fed royal jelly.

The honeybees average lifespan in the wild is 5 years and they are herbivores. When they sting people when feeling threatened, they will lose their sting and then die.

Image credits:io9.com

Resources: Google, National Geographic

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