Thursday, December 5, 2013

Giant Clam

name: Giant clam

scientific name: Tridacna gigas

More information:

The giant clam is an enormous shell fish and the largest and heaviest species of mollusc. It can weigh up to 300 kg and can grow in length up to 1.3m!

Its average lifespan in the wild is , at least, a 100 years. Once it settles somewhere, it stays there for life.

Giant clams are omnivorous, and they feed on planktons, and algae that grows on it.

Currently, giant clams are under the Vulnerable classification in the IUCN Red List. This is due to fishing it for its meat and to supply the aquarium trade.

Where can you find giant clams then? Well, they live in warm tropical waters , such as those in the shallow waters in the Pacific Ocean.


Video credits:National Geographic

Resources: Google, ARKive. A-Zanimals

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