Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Harp Seals

Name: Harp Seal

Scientific Name:  Pagophilus groenlandicus
More information: 

The harp seal is an animal that can be found diving and swimming in the icy waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans . They can dive nearly 300 m and stay underwater.
an adult harp seal 

Adult harp seals has blackish markings on its back which resembles a saddleback. Thus, harp seals are also known as saddle-back seals. 

Harp seals average lifespan in the wild is 30 years. They are carnivorous animals that feed on fishes. 

baby harp seals, known as pups do not have blubber when they're born but after being nursed by its mother , it will start grow blubber. Once it reaches 36 kg , its mum will stop feeding it. 
A harp seal pup 

Hunters hunt seal pups for its precious whit fluffy fur. Each year, hundreds and thousands of harp seals get killed, despite many environmentalists efforts to stop them :(

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Monday, December 30, 2013


Name: zebra

scientific name: Equus burchellii

More information:

The zebra is a horse, distinguished by its black and white stripes. All zebras has different types of stripes. Why they have stripes is not exactly known but some people guess that the stripes are for camouflaging. Its prey would not be able to tell where the head and tail of a zebra is when they are in herds. And attacking from the front of a zebra is not as easy as it may seem.

Zebras can be found in  quite a few habitats, such as savannas , woodlands and grass land. There are three species of zebras. The burchell zebra, also known as the common zebra is the most common zebra. Its average lifespan in the wild is 25 years.

Current Conservation Status: Last Concern

image creds:www.redorbit.com

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Atlantic Puffins

Name: Atlantic Puffins

Scientific name:Fratercula arctica 

  • More information:

    The Atlantic Puffin, otherwise known as the common puffin, is a bird that can be found on coasts and islands of the North Atlantic oceans.60 percent of puffins can be found in Iceland.

    Puffins can fly and swim, both just as well. They hunt underwater for fishes such as eels. They can stay in the water up till 1 minute and can dive as deep as about 60 m. 

    A baby puffin takes about 50 days to learn how to fly. After this period, it will leave its nest for good. 

    Puffins average lifespan in the wild is at least 20 years or older. They are not , and never have been, endangered animals despite the fact that people hunt them down to eat. 

  • Friday, December 27, 2013

    Bactrian Camel

    name: Bactrian camel

    scientific name: Camelus Bactrianus

    more information: 

    The bactrian camel, otherwise known as the double humped camel, can be fund in Northen Asia. Like the single humped camel which can be found in the Middle East,  the bactrian camel is able to survive on its own water  for long periods of time.

    Camels are known to be excellent at their adaptation skills. As their habitat is hot and arid, they need to adapt to withstand the hot sun and the lack of water provided. Thus , camels have humps to store ( no... not water) fats. Their fats can be converted to energy which they can use. When camels find a water source, they drink lots and lots of water.

    Bactrian camels are currently critically endangered and their numbers is less than 2000 in Mongolia and China :( 

    Wednesday, December 25, 2013

    Black widows

    Name: Black widow 

    Scientific name: Latrodectus

    More Information: 

    The black window is one of the worlds most venomous spiders. Correction. The FEMALE black widow is one of the worlds most venomous spiders. In fact, male black widows are totally harmless. 

    Female black widows venom is said to be 15 times more venomous than a rattle snakes venom. 

    The reason these spiders are called widows is because of its killer habits: It eats up her husband. 

    Even though female black widows are venomous, it is not usually aggressive to humans unless you provoke it. Black widow's venom can be fatal, although rarely, to humans, especially the very young and the very old. Mostly, if you get bitten, you will feel nauseous and severe pain. 

    Black widows can be found in temperate regions around the world. 

    Image creds:www.tahoetermite.com

    Tuesday, December 24, 2013


    Name: Reindeer
    scientific name:Rangifer tarandus
    More information:  

    The reindeer is a mammal that is famous during Christmas time. We probably all know who Rudolph and his friends are but what and how are reindeers like actually ?

    The brown or grey animal can be found in North America, North Europe , Eastern Asia and Greenland. It weighs from 120 - 300 kg . 

    Reindeers are herbivorous animals that has a lifespan of 12 - 15 years in the wild. It feeds on a lichen known as reindeer moss.In North America, reindeers are also known as caribous. They get hunted down by arctic wolves, bears and humans. Its current conservation status is Least Concern.

    image creds:toomanycookies.wordpress.com

    Wednesday, December 18, 2013

    Mantis Shrimp

    Name: Mantis Shrimp

    Scientific name: Stomatopoda

    More Facts:

    1. The mantis shrimp lives in warm shallow waters.

    2. It typically grows to be 15 - 30 cm in length.

    3. While humans have 3 types of colour receptive cones, mantis shrimps has ........SIXTEEN.Think of 13 colours that does not exist in the world...impossible right? well, pretty much possible for that shrimp.

    4. Mantis shrimps are absolutely scary killers.

    5. They can punch fiercely... the 2 raptorial appendages accelerates with the same velocity as a gunshot.

    6. In less than 3 thousandth of a second, they can strike a prey with 1500 Newtons of force.

    7. Even if a mantis shrimp fails to strike its prey, the strength  it used will cause an undersea shock wave that will kill its prey anyway.

    If you want to find out more about the mantis shrimp, check out tis website :D : http://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp

    Image creds: