Sunday, December 16, 2012


name : Sloth

Scientific name: folivora

Diet: Herbivore

More information :

           Sloths live in trees of the jungles of central and south america. They are medium - size mammals related to armadillos and ant- eaters . here are some facts about them:

* There are two families of sloth.The three-toed sloth and the two-toed sloth.

*two-toed sloths are generally larger than three-toed sloths and

*Three-toed sloths has a facial colouring which always makes them look like their smiling :)

*three-toed sloths also have 2 extra neck vertebrae .This allows them to turnn their heads almost all the way around!

* Sloths sleep for  at least 20 hours a day. They are very lazy creatures !

A sloth upside down! 
* Algae sometimes grow on the sloth's thick fur. Scientist think that this algae can  help them blend in with the green surroundings.

* sloths are good swimmers!

* There is an extinct sloth called the giant ground sloth. It can grow till as big as an elephant!

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