Saturday, November 30, 2013

yeti crab

Name:  Yeti Crab

Scientific name: kiwa hirsuta

More information:

The yeti crab was discovered in 2005. It is an omnivorous creature that was found on Easter Island. While it looks like a crab, little of its traits are the same as crabs, lobsters and even shrimps. Thus it belongs in a new family called ' Kiwaidae'

Yeti crabs have hairy or furry pincers which are yellowish white. It has a white shell too. They can be found under water at least 2 km in depth.

And guess what ? Yeti crabs grows its own food in its hair! Wow, what an interesting crab.

Image credits: Wikipedia

Recources: Wikipedia,,

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Name: Dugong

Scientific name: Dugong dugon

More information:

The dugong is a marine mammal that eats only marine plants, which means it's a herbivorous animal.It is also the cousin of the manatee. It's life span in the wild is around 70 years.It's length is around 2.4 - 4 m and it weighs from 230 - 910 kg.

A dugong
Dugongs can be found off the coast of Northen-Australia and has a wide range throughout the Indo Pacific ocean.

They are currently under Vulnerable classification in the IUCN Red List.

image credits:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Panda Ant

Name: Panda ant

Scientific nameEuspinolia militaris

More information: 

The panda ant is an insect with black and white splotches which makes it resemble the giant panda. However, you might just be shocked to find out that this insect is NOT actually a furry little ant , but a stinging, wingless wasp. It is said that the panda ant's sting is able to kill a cow, hence its nick name, "cow killer".

Not much information can be found on this insect though...

image credits :

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fairy- tale named animals


Goblin sharks 

The look of it already gives you the shivers . This rare shark is sometimes also known as "Living fossil"


pink fairy armadillo 

It's so cute ! 


King Cobra

It's not actually a cobra

queen bee

The queen of the bees 



They don't have a fairy tale like name, but they sure resemble the mystical fairytale character ! The unicorn 

add these animals together, you have a palace ,  a fairy tale 

image credits:

Sea otters

name: Sea otter

Scientific name: Enhydra Lutris

More information:

The sea otter is a mammal and part of the weasel family. It can be found along the coast of the Pacific Ocean in North America and Asia. It spends most of its time underwater. However, it comes to the shore to sleep or rest.

So cute!
Sea otters' average life span in the wild is up to 23 years. They are carnivorous animals which also consist of mussels and clams. They weigh around 30kg and is about 1.25 m long.

 They are unfortunately endangered due to being hunted down for their nice coat of fur.

image credits :

Resources: National Geographic, IUCNRedlist , Google

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Orange Spotted Tiger Moths

name: Tiger moth

More information:

      The tiger moth from the Arctiidae family, can be found in lots of locations in the world, including my hometown, Singapore . They have orange and black spots on their wings and body and measure only slightly more than a cm. They mimic a wasp. These creatures love fluttering around grasses and plants. I love tiger moths and my sister and I would some times gently place them on our palm, then let it flutter away.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

maned wolf

Name: maned wolf

Scientific name:  Chrysocyon brachyurus

More facts:

1. The Maned wolf weighs 20-25 kg

2. It has a height of around 1m

3. This species is under the near threatened status on the IUCN Red List

4. It habitats in grasslands

5. They can be found in Argentina, Brazil, Peru , etc.

6. It feeds on small mammals, insects, birds reptiles and fruits, sugarcane, plus other plants.

And last but not least....

7. The maned wolf is NOT a wolf , but related to wolves only. they are canids.

Image credits:
Resources: Endangeredwolfcenter , Wikipedia , WWF

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Name: Tarsier

Scientific name: Tarsius

More info:

The tarsier is a primate that can be found around some islands in Malaysia, Indonesia and Southern Philippines.

They have huge eyes , each the same size and weight as its brain. they weigh a tiny 150 g and are only 4 inches tall! and guess what... the can turn their heads a scary 180 degrees in both directions.

Tarsiers love clinging on to trees.

However, tarsiers may have a problem... when under stress, they will be suicidal and bash its head. 0.o

Still, they're really really cute :)

Image credits:
Resources: Huffingtonpost, Wikipedia,Google

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

honey bees

Name: Honey Bee

Scientific name: Apis mellifera

More information:

The Honey bee is the stripy black and yellow bees that we see. They can be found across the world , except for the cold areas, like Antarctica, etc.

Honeybee hives has provided us with the honey we drink! Workers are the only bees that us people mostly see. These worker bees are all female.
A Honey bee

In a hive, there is only one Queen bee. When the queen bee dies, she is replaced by a worker bee who has been fed royal jelly.

The honeybees average lifespan in the wild is 5 years and they are herbivores. When they sting people when feeling threatened, they will lose their sting and then die.


Resources: Google, National Geographic

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Fossa

Name: Fossa

Scientific name : Cryptoprocta ferox

More information:

The fossa is the largest carnivore in Madagascar. Females weigh 7-10 kg while males weigh  6-10 kg. Its tail length is almost as long as the fossa's body itself.

a fossa
Fossas are active during the day and night and are mostly solitary. They feed on a wide variety of small mammals, reptiles, and birds.

However, Fossas are under the 'vulnerable' status in the IUCN Red List. This is mostly because of habitat loss.

Image credits:

resources: Google, Wikipedia ,


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Saiga Antelope

Name: Saiga Antelope

Scientific Name: Saiga Tatarica

More Information:

What an Odd-looking antelope!

With its nose that looks like a vacuum cleaner, the saiga antelope weighs around 26-69kg .

It eats species of grass , herbs and spices. Their lifespan in the wild is 10-12 years.
They can be found around Russia or Mongolia.


The Saiga Antelope is Critically Endangered ! The reason is because poachers and illegal hunters kill them for their horns which can be used to make medicine.

We must find a way to save our animals. Before it's too late :(


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

White Whales

Name: White Whale

Scientific name: Delphinapterus leucas

More information:

You've heard of blue whales. What about white ones?
The white whale , also known as the beluga whale , adapted itself to the Arctic.

A male whale can weigh up to 1600 kg and grow up to 5.5m. They can dive down to 700 m and eat mostly fish and other seafood.

A white whale
White whales are under the neat threatened status under the IUCN Red List

Image credits:

Resources : WIkipedia

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Empreror Penguins

Name: Emperor Penguin

Scientific name: Aptenodytes forsteri

More information: 

The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all penguin species and lives in Antarctica. The adult penguin measures up to 122cm and weighs up to 45kg. Their life span in the wild is 20 years.

Baby Penguins with an adult :)
As of what I learn in school, the penguins huddle together during the cold weather, their black-colour backs facing the sun. This clever form of adaptation enables the black back of the penguin to absorb heat and feel warmer. Huddling would also help to conserve heat energy and block those penguins deeper in the group from the icy winds.

These flightless birds give birth in winter. After the mother penguin lays an egg, it will leave it with the father penguin. The brave father penguin will  protect the egg, which lays beneath its feet for around 60 torturous days, not eating at all!

Penguins are under the 'near threatened ' status on the IUCN red list.

resources: Wikipedia , National Geographic,Google

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The sambar deer

Name: sambar deer

Scientific name : rusa unicolor

More Facts:

The sambar deer is native to South-east Asia and the Indian subcontinent. 

It can weigh up to 546kg, but mostly weighs from 100kg - 350kg. 

Sambar Deers feed on a wide variety of plants and is a herbivore

Only male sambar deers has antlers which are about 43cm.

                          Sambar deers are under the vulnerable status in the IUCN Red list .

Friday, November 8, 2013

Glass winged butterfly

Name: Glass winged butterfly 

Scientific name: greta oto

More information:

The glass winged butterfly is so beautiful with its translucent wings! The reason why they have translucent wings is because they lack of coloured scales between the veins. Thus, the translucent part is just a membrane !

They can be found in Mexico, Panama , Columbia, and they do fly through Florida. And just like all butterflies, they have a four-stage life cycle.

Image credits:

Resource:  Wikipedia , Google

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Name: Giraffe

Scientific name : Giraffa camelopardalis

Diet: Herbivorous

Morre information:

The Worlds tallest animal.

That's the giraffe for you. It feeds on mostly acacia leaves with its super long tongue that measures up to 50 cm! The giraffe itself is 4m - 6m tall and can weigh up to 1270 kg ! Its average lifespan in the wild is 25 years.

Giraffes are endangered species :( there are 8 species of giraffes which are shown in the following picture. (credits
Lets safe the giraffes! Go to this website for more information. I found it very useful and interesting :)
Giraffe species

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Name: Leopard

Scientific name: panthera pardus

Diet:  Carnivore

Interesting facts:
1. Leopards can climb a tree while carrying a prey its own weight.

2. They are nocturnal predators and solitary.

3. They are strong swimmers

4. They can run in a speed of 58km/h

5. leopards can change their direction while in the midst of running.

6.leopards can leap over 6m horizontally

Wow! Cool leopards :)