Sunday, November 10, 2013

Empreror Penguins

Name: Emperor Penguin

Scientific name: Aptenodytes forsteri

More information: 

The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all penguin species and lives in Antarctica. The adult penguin measures up to 122cm and weighs up to 45kg. Their life span in the wild is 20 years.

Baby Penguins with an adult :)
As of what I learn in school, the penguins huddle together during the cold weather, their black-colour backs facing the sun. This clever form of adaptation enables the black back of the penguin to absorb heat and feel warmer. Huddling would also help to conserve heat energy and block those penguins deeper in the group from the icy winds.

These flightless birds give birth in winter. After the mother penguin lays an egg, it will leave it with the father penguin. The brave father penguin will  protect the egg, which lays beneath its feet for around 60 torturous days, not eating at all!

Penguins are under the 'near threatened ' status on the IUCN red list.

resources: Wikipedia , National Geographic,Google

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