Sunday, January 20, 2013

Giraffe Weevil

Name: Giraffe weevil

scientific name Trachelophorus giraffa
WICI: A burnt giraffe wearing a red jacket with extra legs

Rate : *** ( Creepy and Alien like !!!)

Size: < 2.7cm

More information:

How do you think this creepy crawly got it's name ? By it's ultra long neck that resembles a giraffe of course ! You can find these insects in Madagascar only. However, only male giraffe weevils have  that distinctive long neck and red coat. if you look at that brown giraffe weevil below, you can tell the difference !
Enjoy the video of a giraffe weevil limerick.(Not by me of course)
male giraffe weevil
Female giraffe weevil 
Giraffe weevils are not endangered animals. They can only be found in Madagascar.They usually eat small tree leaves.

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