Wednesday, December 12, 2012


A Baby owl
name: owl

Scientific nameStrigiformes

Diet: carnivore

More information :

                Owls  are considered as a bird of prey.They hunt insects, other small birds and mammals. Some owls hunt fish too. Owls uses their powerful talons to catch its prey.
                They have a flat face and large eyes. Did you know? Owls can turn their heads as much as 270 degrees?   That is because owls cannot move their eye balls. Thus,  they need to move their entire head to look around.

              There are around 200 different species of  owls across the world.There are 2 families of owls. Barn-owls and typical owls. We can tell if that owl is a barn owl by looking at its face.If that owl has a heart shape face, that owl is a baarn-owl.

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