Saturday, December 15, 2012

sea cucumber

 a bohadchia argus sea cucumber
Name: sea cucumber

Scientific name: holothuroidea

Diet: Scavenging omnivores

More information:

         Sea cucumbers are not an ocean vegetable. Instead, they are more like a marine creature. There are around 2000 species of sea cucumber.

         Sea cucumbers have an "interestingly weird" way of  defence . When they are irritated, they will squirt out their stomach linings .Predators will then be confused and give time for the sea cucumber to escape.
       If the sea cucumber is  furthur irritated , it will squirt out all its internal organs. Belief it or not, the sea cucumber can live for about 9 days without its internal organs. Soon, a new set of internal organs will grow but the sea cucumber will not grow its reproductive organs back.

      Sea cucumbers are also considered a delicacy .Some people enjoy eating them.

      This video will show the sea cucumber pooping too.Enjoy :)

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