Thursday, December 13, 2012

Singapore Night Safari

Entrance of the safari

              Yesterday, my mother brought me and my sister to the Singapore Night Safari. It is the worlds first nocturnal zoo. 

             First, we got on a tram ride to the east lodge. Then ,we went to the leopard trail. The leopard trail had animal enclosures such as the flying squirrel, bats,leopards ,golden cats and much much more. I found the bat enclosure very exciting as we were in the enclosure and bats swooped above our heads.
            Next , we walked to the fishing cat trail. First , we saw the striped hyenas. After that, we saw animals like the lesser mouse deer ,barking deer, and the fishing cat ! Of course there were more animals but I can't list them all down.

          When the fishing cat trail ended, we found ourselves back at the entrance of the safari so we took the tram all over again and skipped the  east lodge tram station . For the next half an hour or so, the tram    drove pass giraffes, deers,gazelles,tigers, zebras , and finally what I liked the most- elephants! There were a total of 5 elephants, including a baby elephant! On the tram ride , we also saw tapirs. 
        Once we got out of the tram, my mother brought me and my sister to eat ice-cream ! 

       We did not manage to catch any show like the fire- breathing man show or the animal trick show as it was drizzling. We also did not walk on the east lodge trail or the wallaby trail as it was already 10 plus. But in all , I found the Night Safari really nice. 

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