Thursday, October 24, 2013

My pet Dog, Floss

Floss is my pet dog, and she has been with the Liam family for over 5 years already. She is a mini white schnauzer ( although my family thinks she isn't exactly 'pure'. But pure or not dosen't matter cos she is still a very lovely dog and that's what counts :) )

Floss is a very loyal dog. However, like most dogs, she loves , to eat! She is also a very playful dog and loves to play 'catch'. As she is a really good runner (and leaper) it's really hard to get the toy back from her as she runs like a...well cheetah! 

Flossy is a timid dog. Although she puts on a brave front whenever the long tail monkeys sneak into my house, she's still scared of them. Thunder , loud noise, balloons and hair dryers also scares her out of her wits. Loud noises being said, she is even freaked out by dogs who are hyperly scary and bark like mad!

The attention seeker

Floss loves to play. However, when I am not available to play with her, (e.g. studying, having tuition, having piano lessons) she would find anything that's left on the floor and come up to me, with the object in her mouth, willing me to play with her. By saying 'anything that's left on the floor' I also mean poor living organisms like a dragon fly

Adventures & playtime
(Adventure time?!  :))) )

Whenever Floss sees something moving, she will thing that that is her toy and want to catch it. Like I mentioned above, the dragonfly and other poor organisms like butterflies/moths (which cant fly cos their wings are broken) , FROGS, and... I'd better not mention it. Thankfully,she just leaves it in her mouth without biting or chewing and will open her mouth eventually. We try to safe these poor victims most of the time!

The accidents

Floss is one very luck lucky lucky lucky dog.
She's had quite a number of accidents so far! Let me list 2 of them...

1. The Construction Lorry
floss-still a puppy!
that's the sound of my back gate opening. Floss, being super hyper as a puppy became delirious and sped out of the house before anyone could stop her-- right when this construction lorry came speeding through. Fortunately,floss stooped low so no wheels when over her and she was fit between the under surface of the lorry and the road.However, she fractured her right arm. Once bitten twice shy, we added gates to our door so Floss will not run out anymore. Floss too, learnt her lesson . For awhile, she even had a phobia of vehicles.

2. The Rat Poison

2010 was the year my house was severely infested with rats. There were holes in our stuff and we wasn't sure if our food was safe to be consumed.Thus, my parents rang up a pest control to stop the infestation. 
The pest exterminators planted rat poison all around the house and we did not know that. One fine day, Floss was having adventure time in the garden when she came across on green pellet of rat poison. When we noticed, she had already swallowed half of it! AHHHHHHHHHH! We immediately brought her to the animal hospital where they flushed the poison out . She was discharged days later. The pest control team felt bad as they should have consulted us before they planted the rat poisons.


Floss again!
Floss is the bestest dog and my bestest friend! I really wished she could talk to me sometimes...
Well, that's all for now!

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